Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Holistic approaches to teaching and learning.

Our curriculum is based on negotiation and collaboration between children, families and educators. We develop programs that are responsive, flexible and connect with children’s everyday lives. Our curriculum expands and builds upon children’s ideas, interests and questions while taking into account each child’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive aspects.

Learning through play

We create environments that provide children with opportunities to initiate their own dramatic play. Play creates opportunities for the children to enhance their learning and make sense of the world as they discover, imagine, imitate, create and improvise. During their play, children build new understandings by testing out ideas, engaging in critical thinking and challenging each other thinking. We enhance children’s learning through play by providing time to allow meaningful interactions; listening and responding to their questions and comments; providing open-ended resources and guiding them to become aware of fairness and respect for others.

Intentional teaching

We provide a balance between child-led, child initiated and educator supported learning. We engage in shared discussions with the children to support, challenge and expand their learning in positive and creative ways. To foster high-level thinking skills, we use specific language to talk about concepts such as size and patterns and strategies such as modelling, demonstrating, questioning, speculating and explaining.