We provide 5 meals each day (breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack), nappies, bed sheets, sunscreen, nappy cream and other necessities. We will also cater for special dietary requirements such as food allergy.

You will need to bring spare sets of clothes (jumper, t-shirt, pants & underpants), drink bottles, milk bottles and any comforters.

Yes. We are registered childcare provider. Therefore, depending on your eligibility, you may be able to claim CCB (Childcare Benefit) and CCR (Childcare Rebate). Please contact Centrelink to find out more about your eligibility.

Preschool generally follows the standard school hours (9:00AM – 3:00PM). Long day care operates longer hours. Both preschool and long day care follow the same EYLF (Early Years Learning Framework) and NQS (National Quality Standards). There is no difference between preschool and long day care regarding licensing requirements. For more information please contact the Early Childhood & Education Care Directorate.

All of our centres use EziDebit. Direct debit is done every fortnightly. All childcare fees must be made through EziDebit to ensure the transaction is recorded accurately in your statement.

The centres are closed on Public Holidays. However, fees are still payable for Public Holidays. Childcare Benefits give you 42 days of absences per year to cover absences including Public Holidays. This is due to costs such as staff wages, rents and other outgoings, which are still payable during the closure. Fees are not payable during Christmas Closure.

Please complete the online form if you wish to join our waitlist. There is a non-refundable fee of $50 to join the waitlist.

We require 4 weeks written notice. Should you give us less than 4 weeks notice, bond will be used to honour the notice period.

The minimum days for enrolment are 2 days. Settling a child who is only attending the centre once a week is unfair for the child emotional well-being as it may take the child a long period of time to finally settle into the centre. We also require the 2 days to include either Monday or Friday.

You will be required to pay the bond within 24 hours of accepting our offer. Please note that the days may be offered to another family should you delay the bond payment.

Transitions between room will occur at the beginning of the year unless there are availabilities in the older room to accommodate your child. Please note we also take into account your child developmental skills and readiness prior moving your child to an older room.